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Advanced level of working with your inner child. Some people don’t like to call the part of themselves that we work with – the inner child. Okay, call this part whatever you like. What is important is not the name, but the feeling of yourself, that part/side that awaits love, care, attention, approval, protection. Just find this state within yourself. There you will see yourself, at a certain age, in some events or surrounded by some objects, perhaps people. So, about working with yourself in childhood, read here: Why and how to love your “inner child”? Today is about the next level of work. If you worked there: you are with yourself today from childhood. This practice is different. Imagine yourself already very old, 50-60 years old, perhaps even older than 80-90. You are sedate and wise. Those who believe in the rebirth of the soul can imagine that part of themselves that goes through its life lessons from incarnation to incarnation. This is you, that side/part of you that has collected all your life wisdom. Now you can see it, feel it, experience it - its love, acceptance of all your mistakes and successes. Talk to her, ask her your questions. Only now, you today are like an “adult child”, and that wise part of you is your “parent”. Feel how good you feel in your interaction, when you are loved, accepted, approved, cared for, given advice, smiled at and hugged. How do you like it? We can try for a long time and achieve some peaks in life. And all the time expect approval and praise - from mom, from dad, even if they have already left. Then from your husband, children, colleagues, boss, etc. Imagine that this moment has come. Yes, now all these people are in front of you, they look at you, smile, praise and approve... Perhaps someone hugs you, says warm words... try to imagine it, even if you know for sure that this will never happen. Stay in this, let your body relax. Take in all these words, emotions and feelings. Allow yourself to do this. If you have done this practice, but your soul is not completely satisfied. Then you need to hear and feel it from yourself, only the wise and loving one. Live it now, allow yourself to love yourself. It doesn’t matter to our unconscious at all whether it happened in real events or in our imagination. You feel here and now, you think and allow yourself here and now, the body relaxes here and now. Natalya Demyanets psychologist, psychosomatics specialistMy telegram channel: PSYCHOLOGY l PSYCHOSOMATICS https://t.me/natalya_demyanets
