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The “Unworthiness” program The “Unworthiness of oneself” program is a survival tool, we take it for ourselves to survive in society. To be valuable is safe, then I am like everyone else. This is a very Valuable program - it develops us, we move forward, we achieve something, study, receive and give to the world, in order to be valuable to everyone, an external feeling of “I am” comes IMPORTANT TO THIS WORLD.” It turns out that our world basically stands on the foundation of “worthlessness.” The deep experience of one’s worthlessness triggers a scheme for living one’s Life - in receiving pleasure from one’s own “goodness”, a person begins to do something to be satisfied with oneself or “badness” , I’m not worthy of anything. The feeling of my “goodness”: “narcissism”, “I’m awesome, look at me”, “I’m a star”, “look at my achievements, my life” - this is a hook on the most effective and “ a cheap” psychogenic drug of “deriving pleasure from one’s own “goodness””, which leads to a constant state of “I must be constantly pleased with myself.” With the desire to constantly be “good” comes the fear of making a mistake, increased control, correctness and a ban on error, a constant request - teach me to do the right thing. There is a way to reach your Value - it is important to be satisfied with Life and God, and not with yourself! I just live, without evaluating everything that happens in my life. Practical exercise: Start praising God and what he has given to you, children, partners, relatives, friends, colleagues, people. Looking at a child, husband, colleague, relative, person say: “Lord, what great opportunities, talents, ingenuity, body, etc. you gave him.” Looking at yourself, say: “God gave me legs - I walk, eyes - I see, a talent for writing - I write posts, the ability to cook - I do it with pleasure, voice - I sing in the bathroom and karaoke, logical mind - I systematize everything, etc. "Over time, an internal conscious understanding comes - I AM SATISFIED WITH US - God gave, and I realized - we are an excellent team. And a bonus comes with an internal feeling of one’s Value. Value is an internal understanding of “what phase of Life I am in”, what can I still learn, because God gave me so many talents, and I am developing my skills. Sincerely, Oksana Ageeva. A sense of internal value of oneself - the foundation of a healthy attitude towards yourself and life.
