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From the author: I hope this review will give our dear readers ideas, or will clarify something in the picture of the world, and will answer some questions. We type into a search engine the query: “Adults do not exist.” There are approximately 88,800,000 results. Reasoning, articles, pictures and quotes. Almost 89 million! What actually lies behind the conclusion “adults do not exist”? Misunderstanding of behavior patterns. “Uncle, I have money, I’m already forty years old.” The most common case of not feeling like an adult. Let's say at home a person feels quite mature and confident. He is safe, he knows how to behave and understands the mechanisms of using household appliances. His movements are confident and harmonious, he is relaxed. Here is the same man in the state. structures. Housing office, clinic, obtaining any reference information with a vague understanding of what it is called and what exactly is required. Visiting any establishment with strict regulations that is unknown due to rare access to this context. All! A confident and mature person at home turns into a little boy or girl, quickly regressing to the age at which he was safe. Grimaces and poses appear that clearly show one or another period of childhood. More often, regression is used as a defense: “Little ones don’t get hit,” but there may also be situations when “it’s easier for little ones to get candy,” or “I’m small, I need more attention.” .At such moments, a person can calmly call his psychological age 3-4 times lower than his true age. Self-doubt. “Am I a trembling creature, or do I have the right?” Constant reflection, comparison of oneself with others, avoidance of responsibility, inability to say “no,” submissiveness and compliance. Life with an eye on the assessment of another, “more mature” person. In this case, uncertainty always manifests itself in any situation. Often such people have a psychasthenic, or sensitive, personality type. Their movements are uncertain and lacking energy. Such a person seems to be unsure that he has a place in this society, city, country, on this planet. Often the discomfort of feeling small in this case leads to social isolation, or an extremely small circle of friends. Such people most often tend to evaluate globally himself as not an adult, easily naming the numbers of his “childhood” age. Infantility. Peter Pan is an ageless boy. An eternal child. Unlike previous types of uncertainty about their adulthood, this type is not burdened by their position. He is truly an eternal and ageless child. Does a true child worry about games, childish behavior and uncertainty in the presence of adults? Childish traits predominate not only in behavior, but also in appearance. In this case, it is worth talking about harmonious infantilism with a low chance of growing up. In all other cases, you need to separate which branch the “child” went down: a noisy, cheerful, carefree guy jumping in puddles, or a gloomy, passive, anxious boy in the corner with cookies. The latter, by the way, are more successful in material terms, but are much inferior in terms of the quality of their perception of life. Most often, these people do not turn to specialists precisely because they do not have problems. While the parents are alive. The ideal, the archetype of the divine adult. A hero without fear, the son of god and the hero’s wife. And what is all this compared to? Why is it even possible to conclude that there are no adults? After all, everyone can feel insecure, behave childishly, and many have had periods in their lives when they were globally insecure about everything? There is a certain ideal, an archetype of an adult in the head. Absolutely self-confident, courageous, or, on the contrary, a completely and always feminine figure. They used to form myths about gods and demigods, which now in real life have faded into the background and third place, but have not disappeared anywhere in the unconscious, metaphorical part of the psyche. This archetype is formed in childhood when compared with mom, dad, or a significant adult. And naturally, the comparison is always not in favor of the child. A five-year-old can’t, much less!
