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From the author: we are offended - we are offended - how often people are offended. And you can laugh without having time to be offended! Quick self-help in case of conflict - Technique for relieving stress My new Internet courseSports psychologists, trainers! A set of techniques. rules exercises, methodological guidance for sports psychologists to achieve Success by prize-winning athletes! see here “Amortization Listening” technique: here you will learn the secrets of proper communication in conflict situations, maintaining your boundaries, and correct speech delivery. As a result, you will be able to be in the position of an observer and control the actions of the other person, managing him in your personal interests of maintaining mutual understanding - without the need to conflict. Instructions. So, you listen, without interrupting, the speaker, or the shouting partner - let him let off steam. Because, well, a person can’t talk and scream forever! Someday he will say everything, shout everything and your finest hour will come! Now it’s your turn... - now you say! - I know. I know that this is not easy. What you want to answer - sometimes be rude - but you remember that the other is not able to hear you - because the other is in the feelings of his significant difficulty - problem - overcome your desire to shut up the speaker - for this, focus on that. What - imagine your offender NAKED! - or a cockroach - or a cartoon character! - this will reduce your need to respond to the rude person - and will give you a feeling of satisfaction - because you see the offender NAKED or funny! - you will immediately feel calm and confident - the offender will too. That his cry does not hurt you - he will have to calm down - with your correct actions you will not allow him to throw his negativity at you - and all the anger will return back to the offender - he is unlikely to like it - so next time he will not repeat the aggression in your direction. As a result, you will be able to be in the position of an observer and control the actions of another person. By manipulating him in your personal interests of maintaining mutual understanding and achieving your goal Remember - unfair criticism is a hidden compliment! Internet courses for YOU Achieving Goals and fulfilling Dreams - click here INTERNET COURSE ON RIDING FEARS AND GAINING CONFIDENCE - click here About how to prevent conflicts (of different types and situations) in my online course "How to manage conflicts...... .and make Lemonade out of “lemon” - view hereSubscribe to the newsletter of articles from the author of this course! " Author of the article: Medical psychologist T.N. Silaeva.
