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From the author: Continuation of the article: What kind of crap is stopping me from living? A little about introjects. Part 1: what they are and “what they are eaten with.” I wrote this article more for ordinary people, for “non-psychologists,” than for specialists. Because I sincerely believe that understanding what can happen inside is already a small step towards a more conscious choice, decision, life. However, psychologists may also find something interesting. And again, greetings to everyone) I hope you were waiting for the continuation of my article about introjects. That’s it, actually. The first part of the article can be read here: https://www.b17.ru/my.php?mod=article So, are there any benefits to introjects? Of course have. Secondary, I would say, and, in my opinion, very doubtful. But, nevertheless, a few words about her. Of course, first of all, introject is a psychological defense. Another thing is that not all defenses are good and beneficial for the human psyche in the long term, so to speak. And introject is exactly one of these things. And this, for example, is when a person takes on the role and functions of a person who is unpleasant to him, due to the fact that these traits of other people irritate or traumatize him quite strongly. A great example of introjection as a defense is a saying I often hear people say: “The best defense is an attack.” Those. When attacked, the attacker's traits are introjected and the same behavior follows in response. And the husband and wife quarrel and become aggressive towards each other instead of understanding the situation and not letting the relationship get tense. And how dogs “bark” at each other middle managers at meetings – I can’t count how many times I’ve seen this. Although in ordinary life, in general, everyone is normal and completely non-aggressive people. Secondly, having an introject is a great way to avoid taking responsibility. And really, why take it, because everything has already been decided before you. All the rules and methods have long been defined, fixed, all that remains is to follow them. Blindly obey. And finally, introject ensures that a person is set to act in a certain way, which often saves physical and mental strength. All this is, of course, very healthy in relation to the “useful” introject. But in relation to the pathological, in my opinion, such benefits are inferior compared to the harm that an introject can cause to a person in his life. Before moving on to what to do with such “nasties that interfere with life”, how to help a person be in contact with the world, to be himself, I would like to say a few words about where and how introjects are formed. For myself, I highlight the following sources of their formation: Parental messages. And it’s true - after all, until a certain age, a child “swallows without chewing” all the information that is given to him by significant and vital adults - mom and dad. The problem is that, along with useful things, parents often convey to the child certain responsibilities and judgments about how the world functions and how he himself should live in this world - in their opinion, very correct and necessary for the child. This is definitely not out of malice, but only to protect your beloved child. In fact, it turns out that in the form of introjects, parents very often convey to the child not just anything, but their internal conflict, their introject. And the child accepts it. And then he lives with this internal conflict, not even his own. As a rule, these are direct verbal messages to the child: You should always/you should never. Family traditions, myths, scripts, messages can also be introjects. In my opinion, they are even deeper than direct messages from parents to a child. Because these introjects have been fixed for years, centuries, generations of people. And often they are not even verbalized verbally, but are simply absorbed by the child from behavior, traditions, family atmosphere, if you like. Let's return to the example of a family of hereditary teachers. The child may never be told this, butthe value of continuity in a profession in the family can be so great, it can be transmitted so strongly in the family that the child “swallows” this introject even without the usual verbal messages like should or shouldn’t. He simply knows that his destiny is to be a teacher. An introject can form as a result of traumatization. In this case, this is a certain belief that is formed on the basis of one’s own traumatic experience. Such an introject can form at almost any age and, in my opinion, is very strongly associated with the fear and helplessness a person experiences during traumatization. It is also distinguished by its globalization. For example, a woman may have experience of physical violence from her husband (or man). And then an introject may form that she should stay as far away from ALL men as possible. Because it is dangerous to be near them. Naturally, in this case, the woman will try with all her might to limit her communication with men. And, one way or another, because... after all, the world is structured in such a way that there are both men and women in it, this will greatly influence her social circle, work, leisure, perhaps even her sexual orientation - as an option. The media can also be sources of introjects . After all, how intrusive advertising can sometimes be. How news channels literally push their point of view into us. And highly introjected people are especially susceptible to absorbing introjects from the media (for me, these are people who were too “fed” with introjects in childhood. And their habitual way of behavior and life becomes in every possible way to collect such introjects further). And then the person will buy everything in a row, everything that the box “shows” him. Or religiously believe in some other things that the media broadcasts. Although in reality everything can be done differently. An introject can be a consequence of a merger. Here I mean that the personality broadcasting the introject is so valuable for a person, he is so attached to her or wants to be attached, so much does he want to feel his involvement in this person, that he sometimes himself finds some feature of this valuable for himself person and introjects it (unconsciously, naturally). For example, a girl really wants to lose weight, but she just can’t do it. And having dug into history, it turns out that her beloved great-grandmother, who is incredibly valuable and dear to her, was in fact a very large woman, portly - as they said in the village back then. And maintaining her fullness, this girl feels closer, dearer to her dear great-grandmother, who is no longer alive. In this way she preserves the love and memory of the person dear to her. Her introject may sound something like this: “If you want to be closer to your beloved great-grandmother, you must be fat.” Naturally, such introjects are very deep and are realized with great difficulty. The culture of a particular society can also shape introjects. And here I mean all sorts of different folk signs and sayings, as well as those signs that a person can come up with for himself. Perhaps this is funny from a certain point of view, but I remember how, as a student, my friend earned herself a severe stomach upset by simply eating an incredible amount of lucky tickets. Or, for example, let us again remember the saying “The best defense is an attack.” Well, yes, especially when you have to defend yourself, for example, in front of an aggressive man or a bandit, and also with a weapon in your hands. Of course, a fragile girl should attack him herself to protect herself) And if we talk about working with introjects, then first of all they need to be identified. After all, it is rare that an introject is realized by a person. And sometimes it doesn’t even have an explicit verbal form of expression. In psychodrama, its main principle – materialization – is very helpful. And then the client’s picture, what he is holding back or pushing, fears, pain, sadness, etc. can simply be put on stage and given a voice. In this case, it is much easier to identify the introject. Even verbal introjects sound completely different -=27114
