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A person’s life path is his personal life in dynamics, it is his biography at the level of society. On our life’s path, turning-point events occur that lead to a change in personality, and important - bright, enriching the history of personal life. Zabolotsky wrote: “Man has two worlds: one that created us, the other, which we have been creating from time to time to the best of our ability. " In our destinies there is both predetermination (heredity and social environment), and something that we can create ourselves. The creative process always takes place in a person’s life, but only that person who takes responsibility for his life. Throughout life, each person accumulates a variety of responses to changing everyday life. At turning points in life, our psychological readiness to endure and accept life’s hardships is tested for strength; the ability to analyze the current moment and, based on the synthesis of past experience and what is happening in the present, to search for new alternatives of being; the opportunity to rebuild one’s desires in accordance with a new image of oneself. Sometimes it happens that a person does not have a clear, coherent picture of his life path, and this can lead to the development of such biographical crises as a crisis of unfulfillment, a crisis of futility and a crisis of emptiness. A crisis of unfulfillment arises in in those cases when, for various reasons, the subjective picture of the life path poorly represents the realized connections between the events of the past, present and future. That is, a person does not see his achievements, successes or underestimates them, does not see significant events in the past that positively determine the present and future. Such a person experiences the sensations: “My life program has not been fulfilled,” “Failed,” “Unlucky.” One of the reasons for such a crisis is when a person finds himself in a new social environment, where he is forced to accept and take into account the expectations of this environment, but at the same time, the person’s personal experience may not be required by this environment. Then only focus on your internal creative process will save you. A crisis of emptiness arises in a situation when actual connections are weakly expressed in the subjective picture of life’s path (for example, between events of the past and future). Despite a person’s awareness of the presence of important, significant achievements, the experience dominates that “all the best is already behind us,” that his resource is exhausted and he has no goals in the future that he would like to implement. At the same time, the person feels tired: “no strength,” “energetically exhausted.” A person does not rely on himself or his efforts, he simply waits for those circumstances that will push him out of this state. A person experiencing this crisis “doesn’t know what to grab onto.” He feels useless. And this feeling is an indicator that a person is not at peace with himself. And in order to return to a state of harmony and live in harmony with yourself, you just have to listen to your “I” and satisfy its highest values. A crisis of futility arises in a situation when the connections of potential events, projects, plans, dreams about the future. At the same time, the future may also seem certain - in a negative sense: a picture of hopeless stagnation, lack of prospects for professional growth, assertion of oneself in the main life roles corresponding to a given age. Hopelessness is associated with an experience that can be defined by the words “There is nothing ahead.” Self-esteem falls, difficulties are observed in building new life programs, ways of self-determination, self-improvement, and realizing oneself in new roles. Personal development stops. A person falls into despondency or despair. And there are only two ways: self-destruction or salvation. Salvation lies in realizing the need to fight and begin to move from the position of a victim to the position of a person who determines his life, a responsible and reasonable person. All these crises can overtake us with.
