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Self-doubt is usually perceived by a person as constant fears and doubts, feelings of fear, feeling bad and unworthy. Often, self-doubt makes a person move away from his intended goal. It's quite painful. From a psychoanalytic point of view, self-doubt is a symptom of pathological narcissism - the opposite of a sense of community with other people. If an insecure person allows himself to look into the depths of his unconscious, he will be able to see there that in fact he sharply distinguishes himself from his environment, considers himself special and the best. This is what opposes within him the feeling of worthlessness and uselessness. If we talk about the narcissistic aspects of a personality, then a narcissist is like a beautiful façade of a building behind which lies absolute emptiness. Pathological narcissism is a repulsive “dirty façade.” Aspects of narcissistic self-doubt are beautifully shown in Woody Allen’s film “Jasmine.” Sometimes self-doubt is, as it were, denied, covered up by ostentatious bravado, excessive courage, leading to rash actions and sad consequences. This form of behavior is a defense against painful experiences of self-doubt, feelings of one’s own weakness and vulnerability. This defensive behavior is called pathological narcissism. In this case, painful experiences of self-doubt can turn into risky impulsive actions (reactions), or hide under the cover of ostentatious narcissism, a constant need to evaluate other people, positive or negative reactions. The most painful thing for this type of person is indifference and indifference, which can lead to symptoms such as panic attacks or phobias. Causes of insecurity: what is behind self-doubt? Let's look at how self-doubt is formed. Of course, the roots of self-doubt are formed in early childhood along with the formation of self-esteem. As a rule, the main reasons for the formation of insecurity are the lack of emotional acceptance and emotional support (approval) in childhood. This leads to a shortage of protecting and supporting objects in the human psyche. And, as you know, a positive (protective and supportive) image of parental figures (mom and dad) is necessary for the mental and psychological health of an individual. Also an important factor in the formation of self-doubt is the parents’ non-acceptance of the child’s aggression. In this case, the psyche reads that the aggressive (strong and confident) one is not needed by the parents and, adjusting to their unconscious expectations, he becomes more passive and unsure of himself. During psychoanalytic psychotherapy with clients suffering from self-doubt, we can observe self-rejection, embarrassment, shame, shyness and an unconscious feeling of one’s own exceptionality as compensation for painful experiences. The task of psychotherapy: The task of psychoanalytic psychotherapy when working with a client suffering from self-doubt is to to help him restore good internal objects (Form a protective image of parents) Help him find resources to fill internal emptiness, raise self-esteem, which allows a person to rely on himself and feel much more confident. If you recognize yourself and need help, sign up for a consultation HERE
