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Hello, friends. Let's talk today about unrequited love: who does it happen to all the time, and who lives happily without it all their lives? How to determine the root of the problem, understand where your craving for unrequited love comes from (if you are prone to this type of relationship) and how to begin the path to liberation from it. Origins and prerequisites. First of all, it is worth talking about why someone, say so, he is predisposed to unrequited love, and some have never experienced this. To understand this, we need to turn to childhood and how a person built relationships with parents, close adults, and also understand how things stand with self-esteem. The first experience of relationships is formed for any child through the family, in which the child learns to build relationships with the opposite sex (relationships with a parent of the opposite sex), forms an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhimself and the world around. And so, if it happens that in one of these areas ( and perhaps in everyone) something goes wrong - you need to understand that these deviations from the norm will leave their mark on the child’s self-esteem and relationships with himself and others. So what could go wrong? If the child does not feel non-judgmental and unconditional love on the part of the parents, he develops the attitude that love is not given just like that, that it must be earned, and this is very difficult and does not always work out. When a parent constantly demands something from a child in exchange for his love: good behavior, obedience, fulfilling requests and tasks and only then encourages the child and can caress him, and if the child does not do what is required, the parent demonstrates prolonged alienation, displays negativity and even aggression. Such reactions form in the child the understanding that he is loved only for something - then, and not just like that. In addition to the pronounced lessons that parents can give a child willy-nilly, the parents’ constant alienation towards the child, their reluctance to spend time with him, to be interested in his life, and only the mechanical fulfillment of parental responsibilities also affects the understanding of love in the format of clothing, shoes, feeding. Such relationships form in the child a stable perception of relationships in the future, when he perceives self-love on a subconscious level as alienation and ignorance. How a craving for unrequited love is formed. Having dealt with childhood, let's now see what happens with a person growing out of such a child? On the one hand, growing up, almost everyone strives for love and building some kind of relationship. Since man is a social being, in the absence of psychopathologies, everyone wants to create a union (in one form or another) with another person. And so, wanting to find and receive love consciously, this “grown child” will subconsciously choose a “figure” similar to reactions to a parent of the opposite sex. And, as you probably understand, he will choose as a potential partner someone who will be cold towards him, will either ignore him or show minimal interest. A person may suffer from such relationships as he suffered from coldness in childhood parent, but these are the people he will choose until he realizes that he is walking along the same path. Such relationships will also be accompanied by the desire to constantly earn love, to please a partner or someone who is attractive, which will aggravate the state of dependence on the partner and the desire to receive praise, encouragement and love. At the same time, it is possible that a person will meet people along the path of life who will want to give him love and relationships just like that, because there is sympathy, but such relationships will be doomed to failure, i.e. To. will not satisfy the main need - the need to win love and experience emotions from the indifference of a partner. So what to do with unrequited love? In order to start working with unrequited love and change, a person must, first of all, understand that his relationship scenarios are repeated. That different relationships are built according to the same scheme, where he (she) is all the time
