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We all avoid emotions. RUN: ☑️so as not to feel anger and rage. ☑️to avoid feeling envy and contempt.☑️to get rid of anxiety and disappointment in ourselves. We are used to escaping through compensation - food, alcohol or entertainment. Sooner or later, these emotions will return and will be felt even stronger than before. After all, this is a temporary solution. So what to do? 1. The first step is to notice. We often don't notice what we're feeling until the emotion comes out. Therefore, the body comes to the rescue. It definitely gives signals, telling us that something is wrong.2. The second step is to examine the cause. Emotions arise because of our thoughts and beliefs. If you catch the triggering thought, you can control it.3. The third step is to regulate. There are various techniques that help manage emotions, such as breathing exercises, meditation, visualization. But the fastest and most effective way is a turn of consciousness in 1 hour, which gives every person the “WOW” effect. Think about it In one short conversation work through life-long beliefs. And this is real. Don’t believe me? Then I’ll give you an example of a person who instantly quits smoking after a sudden realization. I know such people personally, and you? That’s how my dad quit smoking, after 43 years of nicotine addiction, and many friends. In one second, suddenly, having realized something, a person makes his instant choice - not to live like this anymore.1. Don’t tolerate the lack of money in life and open your own business.2. Do not tolerate an outdated relationship and file for divorce.3. Don’t tolerate your boss and lack of career growth, but change your job. For such serious changes you don’t need time, but one deep insight. And I know how to get there. I know how to change the approach to many things in my life. I went through it is yourself. Therefore, do not put off important changes for tomorrow, start today. Sign up for a diagnostic meeting, where we will analyze your situation in detail and you will understand what you really need to work on in order to live the way you want. After this, you will never agree to less. Eremina Ekaterina is a psychologist-coach on self-confidence and self-esteem. WhatsApp phone number +79039167377
