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Both are about 27 years old, married for 3 years. The wife wants to see a confident “backbone” husband who she can rely on, but she sees “irresponsible, not caring, someone who doesn’t hear her.” For the last 2 years, she has been unsuccessfully “remaking” him. In response to constant disappointment in him and deep resentment, she denies him sex, even he has become disgusting to her, and in response he has stopped wanting sexual relations with her, considers himself unattractive and guilty. Let's try to understand the reasons. The wife grew up in a family where she did not receive enough love and care from her mother; even as a child, she was deeply disappointed and closed herself off from the world. Accordingly, her script depicts the picture: “I know that no one truly loves me, I cannot rely on another person, I can only be responsible for my life, the other person does not need my experiences and feelings, he thinks only about himself and can’t take care of me...” A script is an internal unconscious belief about oneself and others. On a conscious level, she wants her husband to love her, care for her, be responsible, be interested in her feelings and be emotionally involved. What then is the husband like in reality? The young man has not yet emotionally separated from his parents, he has difficulty understanding himself, there are no clear guidelines in life yet. We can say that psychologically this man is not yet mature for living together, he does not yet have the ability to care for others. For now, his concern is motivated by constant reproaches and feelings of guilt. The wife, according to her own scenario, gets offended, disappointed, and so on in a circle. Due to her immaturity, she cannot understand the imperfections of her partner, attacks and is offended. The husband has his own scenario: his mother overprotected him, there was no father in the family, in adolescence he was very worried about the imperfections of his body, he did not like how he looked: “I am who I am - unsightly and disgusting, a beautiful girl will not love me.” The young man chose a beautiful wife, but every time he felt unworthy of her, and himself a “freak.” He needed to feel attractive and valuable. But every time I felt shame and despair that he was not what his wife wanted him to be. As we see, the spouses saw what they wanted and could see - their internal images, and not real people in need of love and acceptance. During marital therapy, we were able to gradually become aware of our unconscious scenarios and images, entering into a real relationship with a partner. By experiencing your pain, shame, guilt, fear, you can ease the pressure of internal scenarios by starting to weave a new pattern of relationships.
