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From the author: Electronic magazine "Ecosophy" This is a summary of the training course: "Man of the New Epoch" Man of the New Epoch OM of the Planet. Balance of internal and external Life is not what is given to us, but what we attract. Weak conditions are attracted to a weak field, strong, better conditions of life are attracted to a strong field. The Word of the Father is the energy that is made up of the energy of the Father. The Father is the source of everything: love, energy, light. The Father gives Fire so that we can give it to the people around us. In the past era, many developed only internally through solitude: they went to monasteries, ashrams, caves. Today a person has a different task. Development must take place both internally and externally in outer life. Life is a balance of internal and external. If a person has created internal conditions for development for himself, then external conditions change according to his internal decisions. Time consists of Fire. The source of Fire is the Father. Man receives Fire from the Father, and this is called life, which is determined by time. By spending Fire throughout life, a person gains subjective time. Our Life is our relationship with the Father. At physical birth, the Mother gives us the Likeness of the Father. And through our internal work we acquire and develop the Image of the Father. The Word of the Father is spoken within everyone. The Law of the Word of the Father: a person is controlled by the Word that he pronounces to the people around him. Our word is the first contact with the Father! Our behavior determines our fire. In the New Epoch, OM is born on the Planet, consisting of 16 presences, four Worlds and one primordial Word of the Father. The law of quaternity operates on the Planet, and the sixth race is included in this quadruple. OM of the planet: 4 - The Fiery world is ruled by the Father 3 - The Plasma world is ruled by the Daughter. Teofa.______________________________________________________________2 - The Subtle World is ruled by the Son. Hierarchy.1 – The Physical World is ruled by the Mother. Logical government The Physical and Subtle Worlds, where the Mother and Son rule, are the Matter of the Planet. And the Plasma and Fiery Worlds, which are controlled by the Daughter and Father, are the Fire of the Planet. Each world is now contacted by one of the original manifestations of the Father. We see that today a person who lives only by Matter automatically falls under the Logoic Rule (constant working out of karma). At the same time, a person is not given the right to create; he will have to fulfill, work off what he is “entitled” to according to his savings. It is important for a person to live by the laws of all 4 worlds. Outside, outside, express the Mother and the Son, live with love and wisdom. And inside - to express the Daughter and the Father, to live in spirit and fire. Note from the author: this article is posted in the “Esoterica” section according to the personal worldview of the site administration. The author proposes an article for the section “Self-development".
