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“When everyone is running, stop…”, “Don’t ask for directions, otherwise you won’t be able to get lost” such advice from the ancient Chinese may seem very strange. And someone will object indignantly: “How is that possible?!” Our time is obsessed with efficiency, immediate achievement of results! We must hurry!” But often in this rush we don’t notice how in the race we waste, or even completely lose, ourselves. After all, in fact, it is more important for us to know and realize ourselves than to simply have something, be it, for example, work, as a way of obtaining material resources, or housing - as “my property”, because relationships with ourselves are the determining vector of our life . Remember the Seagull named Jonathan Livingston by Richard Bach, who from his youth was discouraged by the meaninglessness and narrowness of the existence of seagulls, concerned only with the daily struggle for food. Captivated by a passion for improvement, Jonathan devotes himself entirely to the study of flight as an art and a way of being, and not as a way of moving through space to obtain food. Later, Jonathan is surprised to learn that his perseverance and all-consuming determination in learning allowed him to follow the path of evolutionary development, which takes thousands, tens of thousands of lives for ordinary seagulls. And when it comes to life, time becomes the criterion for arranging the internal space of a person. Letting time do its thing is a sign of wisdom. “Hasten without haste” is a favorite saying of Renaissance humanists. And giving yourself time does not mean slacking. At such moments, we go in search of ourselves, evaluate our personal resources, determine our capabilities and weaknesses, and develop our strengths. The time we spend in reflection, away from the hustle and bustle, allows us to identify the ideas imposed on us and our own illusions. This is the way to learn freedom. Sit in silence... close your eyes... listen to yourself... Ask yourself a question that worries you... This is the best way to know your inner world, recognize signs, interpret dreams and dreams that are much more important for the Soul... Don't rush! Enjoy every moment, breathe in the November air filled with ice flakes, wander through the rustling leaves not yet covered with snow - after all, life is wide and limitless. We forget about this and narrow it down with our own plans and calculations, making it boring and monotonous. “Hurry without hurrying» …
