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From the author: “They tried to bury us, but they didn’t know that we were seeds.” I’ve never lived alone, and at the moment when I had to make the decision to stay alone or continue a toxic relationship, the fear of loneliness appeared. I’m afraid to be alone. How often do such thoughts come? Yes, almost always, this fear sits in our heads. We are afraid of an empty room, we are afraid of silence, we are afraid of the moment that we will not hear “hello” in response. I can’t stand it, it’s pounding in my head. This fear can be overcome! I won’t say that it’s easy and simple; first you have to go through all the stages of despair. Silence will fall on you, as if it wants to crush you with its silence. Returning home or, on the contrary, leaving the house will be very difficult, and for the sake of a hungry cat you will force yourself to go out to the store. Support from friends does not bring joy and irritates, because the phrases: “you need to live on”, “find something positive”, “move forward” bring only pain, like the thorns of a rose digging into the body. But when you fall in love with silence, you will begin to distinguish sounds in it that you have not heard before: the songs of birds outside the window, cats meowing, dogs barking, or a cricket singing in the night. The day will come imperceptibly when you will begin to enjoy life and notice how ants crawl along a tree trunk, fulfilling their ant mission, like a perpetual motion machine without stopping for a minute. At first, when I was immersed in my experiences, I looked at the world as if from the bottom of a well, nothing made me happy and it wasn’t fun, even the sun and sea didn’t bring pleasure. There will come a moment when you realize that you can be alone all day, silent, and not notice it. And it's a wonderful feeling. Believe me! You will have time to realize your desires. The daily routine will be tailored only to you. And great. I have a friend who is very close to God, now he is a priest, but there was a time when we were just graduates of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and often argued about the existence of God. It was difficult for me to accept faith, and what to hide and now I’m just on my way. In the next argument, he told me that we are never alone, that God is always with us. To be honest, I haven’t come to this idea yet, but I discovered that there is a universe of different impressions around us. It's time to remember your childhood dreams and start realizing them. Remember what you loved to do! The love for this activity has not disappeared, now is the time to enjoy what you love. PS When you are in harmony with the world, the most wonderful thing that can happen to you is to meet a person who will appreciate you! If you have a fear of loneliness, contact I will do everything to get rid of this feeling.
