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God gave reason to man to use it, so there is no need to turn it off. Especially in matters of self-knowledge, self-development and studying your own soul. If you are interested in psychology, want to be a psychologist or want to go to a psychologist, it is important to understand that psychology has NOTHING to do with esotericism! From the word “absolutely”. Psychology is a science; there are various schools and directions in it, and they are all united by a scientific base. In psychology there is scientific ethics and its goal is the psychological health of people. Esotericism and occultism are based on myths and superstitions, their essence is, at best, fantasies about ancient secret teachings, at worst, outright Satanism. At best, you will end up with a charlatan who makes money by telling you nonsense; at worst, you will get a spiritual infection and then pay dearly for it with your health and well-being. The worst thing is that the spiritual infection will affect your children and loved ones. Children will suffer first as they are the most vulnerable. Esotericism doesn’t care about your health, it teaches you to live in illusions, and dangerous ones at that! Occultists know very well how to manipulate a gullible person; it is not for nothing that they study in droves in NLP courses, which provide knowledge on how to control others. In this regard, they are not much different from sectarians. The consequences of esotericism for a person are dangerous in every sense: - he becomes infantile and loses his will - he places responsibility for his life on the stars, numbers, the position of furniture in the house - he is put on meditation (dangerous spiritual practices) - he is lured into destructive cults (psychocults) - he develops neuroses - he loses healthy guidelines in life - he begins to experience depression, panic attacks, mental disorders A person must clearly distinguish between a psychologist and an esotericist. Today this is one of the most important laws of psychological and spiritual safety! 20 ways to recognize esotericists: 1. As a rule, they do not have psychological education. The arsenal most often includes diplomas and certificates from various esoteric “academies,” often NLP courses. But a diploma in psychology does not always mean that this is primarily a psychologist! 2. They talk a lot about spirituality, and various secret knowledge is included in it. 3. They believe that God is the same in all religions and that he is a certain force within every person, subordinate to the person himself.4. Their vocabulary is full of words such as “karma”, “biofield”, “subtle level”, “higher powers”, “past life”, “cosmic mind”, etc.5. They advise changing or expanding consciousness and are ironic about the mind.6. The Universe and Nature in their understanding is something intelligent with which they interact and connect.7. They teach you to “attract” money into your life.8. They call to communicate with “ancestors”, talk about “ancestral programs” and use the word Rod with a capital letter.9. They are taught to place hopes on stars (astrology), numbers (numerology), furniture arrangement (feng shui), etc.10. The word “energy” is used a lot: energy fields, bioenergy, kundalini, they divide it into male, female, solar, lunar, etc. Energy in their teaching is a kind of independent force. 11. They teach that with the power of thought you can get what you want. 12. They recommend meditations, mantras, mandalas, etc. to “change reality.”13. They talk a lot about Femininity (with a capital F), about female “archetypes” and their influence on life.14. They use feng shui, qigong, fortune-telling tarot cards, runes and other types of fortune-telling attributes.15. They quote some “ancient wisdom” and Eastern religious texts instead of scientific materials.16. They call women Sorceresses and talk about the “space of love.” He sometimes calls himself a “women’s coach.”17. They talk about a fundamental difference between a man and a woman in terms of psyche and consciousness, which science completely refutes.18. They talk about secret knowledge and what will help you solve all your problems immediately through special rituals, amulets and meditations.19. They work in the “arrangement method”. This is an occult method of working with the psyche, as a result of which
