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The thirty-third habit of a psychologically healthy person is embodied in one specific phrase, “you can put yourself first.” Here it is immediately worth bringing out such a phenomenon as egocentrism - that is, the actual inability to consider someone else’s point of view as worthy of attention. Egocentrism definitely has nothing to do with healthy egoism. It's more about “me and only me.” Simple selfishness also rather interferes with living in society. After all, it implies that you always put yourself first. And this, in essence, deprives you of the opportunity to act as a team, in a collaborative relationship. So, within the framework of the concept of a healthy personality, the idea remains that you can actively put yourself and your interests first when you see fit. This is healthy egoism as the habit of spontaneously putting yourself first. But this is a theory. But in practice, a healthy egoist: A) can highlight his life priorities. For example. A young man, a young man finds his first love. They have African passions. And the parents give an ultimatum - either they break up (they don’t like the girl, well, she’s not of blue blood) or one of two things. Well, the young man, in the heat of love, informs the girl about this and tells her that for him mom and dad are sacred. And he puts the girl’s feelings below his desire to be with his own parents. B) can highlight the strategy that will lead to the realization of his life priorities. In the example above, it will be something like. I have parents - and they are saints. That's why I'm leaving you and returning to my family. And I hope that they will accept me. And they will maintain the same relationship with me that we had before. C) can consistently and right now move towards its priorities. In the example mentioned above, at the moment of his girlfriend’s tears and sobs, the guy confidently and immediately says “calm down, you will still find your love,” leaves the girl, blocks her on WhatsApp and Instagram*. Then he returns home and conveys to his parents the idea “how good it is that we are together”... Yes, the example shown is grotesque. But it’s visual. In the example, the egoist could consistently leave the family. Or strive to keep all the significant people. Or put blackmailers in their place. Or join a monastery (army, politics). But this is a matter of specific priorities. But in essence: A healthy egoist knows what he wants. Knows what to do to achieve what you want. And he’s already heading towards her. ← Previous habit Next habit → I will be glad if you click the “thank you” button under the article, it will encourage me to write the next one :) Have a nice day! You can subscribe to my articles and blog posts here Do you want to learn how to manage your neurosis on your own? Take an online psychocorrection course on your own, individually or in a group!* Instagram belongs to the company Meta, which is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia.
