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Hatred. What comes to mind when we hear about it? First of all, I remember literary novels, where the power of this feeling was capable of crossing out destinies and destroying cities. Can this happen in our lives? Maybe yes. Does everyone experience hatred during their life? Probably, not. But the fact that once this emotion arises is capable of changing your whole life, I think there is no doubt. Why does hatred arise? It can arise for a variety of reasons, and, sometimes, without them. Often its appearance is provoked by resentment, misunderstanding, bias, and indifference. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that all of the above should have a cosmic scope. In some cases, one careless word is enough for the seed of hatred to begin to sprout in a person’s soul. To whom is hatred directed? The object of this feeling can be a specific person, or different groups of people, nations, nationalities, or even entire social categories. How manifests itself? Sometimes there is no way to suspect hatred: a person quietly hates someone and it does not harm anyone but him. But this is rather an exception. As a rule, such a destructive emotion still, one way or another, breaks through. Then it can manifest itself in different forms and scales - from small dirty tricks in everyday life to brutal acts of violence and terror. However, no matter how openly and aggressively or hiddenly and quietly hatred exists in a person’s soul, in any case, it leaves a trace in it, poisoning his life, relationships with others and himself. How to overcome hatred? It is possible to do this, first of all , realizing and acknowledging its presence. And then - having understood the roots of your negative feelings, accept your emotions and learn to control them. A psychologist will help you figure out what could have provoked such strong feelings. They say that from love to hatred there is one step, and from hatred to love it is half a step. But sometimes it’s much easier to take a whole step than to take half a step. Because hatred can turn him into an abyss.
