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If you look at things, phenomena or events from one generally accepted or desired angle, then you notice only what you are used to or want to see. Well, for example, if you look at the famous Atlanteans as usual, you will see how they hold on to this mortal World with their last strength, but... turning the picture over, you will notice that the same Atlanteans are relaxing... Surprising, isn’t it? Many people believe that an obedient child is good, a disobedient one is bad; a quiet, non-conflict “yes-ying” employee is good and convenient, criticizing the boss and defending his opinion is bad; a friend who can be woken up in the middle of the night by “drunk talk” is good, he is a true friend, and the one who will not support your nightly flight of thoughts is a bad friend and comrade, etc. Let’s try to look at the situation differently. Obedient children often do not know how to behave in a confrontation with an aggressor; they obediently “give up” their positions, becoming a victim, because they are trained not to contradict adults or stronger peers. A quiet and “assenting” employee nods at you not because he agrees, but because he is afraid of running into your anger. A friend who ends empty night conversations is a completely adequate and mature person who knows how to sensibly assess the caller’s condition: when he needs real help and support, and when it’s just a waste of time. Most likely, he belongs to the category of people who value and respect their own time and treat other people with the same respect. If you are surrounded entirely by people who are “comfortable” to you, it may make sense to think about why all these people show only the angles you need and desire your character? Why are THEY doing this, I believe, sooner or later each of them will answer to himself: it’s safer and more profitable to communicate with you... But... why is this for YOU? And what are you still afraid of, not allowing yourself or your loved ones to be a natural and adequate person in communication? Atlanta. A look from a different angle.
