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From the author: Children do not get sick because of weak immunity! When a child gets sick, parents in almost 100% of cases turn to doctors for treatment. A week or two or a month passes and the disease returns. Doctors and parents talk about “frequently ill children.” What if the cause of the disease does not lie in a weak immune system? Let's consider the disease on a psychological, not a physical level. Illness in a child (and in an adult too) is a way to get something that cannot be obtained without illness. Let's say a child has a need for attention from his parents, and this need (well, very important and necessary) is not satisfied. The child first tries to attract attention with his behavior (in most cases incorrect) and sometimes this method helps. For a while. But then the child gets sick... and the mother, abandoning all her affairs, worries, work, taking sick leave, spoon-feeds him medicine every hour, worries about him, goes to the store for the best fruits and cooks the best broth. And then she sits down to play with him, reads a book to him while he lies in bed - so helpless and sick. The child enjoys this care, despite high fever, runny nose or more serious illnesses. By the way, about more serious ones. The stronger the child’s lack of attention, the more serious and long-lasting his illness. And, as a result, he receives more attention from significant people. The second reason why children get sick is a rigidly built system of attitudes and views of their parents. You must definitely go to school, play sports, go to two tutors and attend three clubs, and also help your mother around the house and carry bags from the store (otherwise you are “lazy, ungrateful, dependent, incapable, untalented”). For example, parents believe that there can only be one good reason for not going to school - illness. Even illnesses don't count. And then the child gets sick in order to receive the cherished right to rest. Illness relieves us of the feeling of guilt, since in this case we can get a “deserved” rest. Absurd, isn't it? The same reason also applies to the fact that the child was strong for too long in some situation, held out for too long. The disease makes you feel weak, like a child. The third reason why children get sick is the refusal to accept the child’s negative emotions, or any emotions at all. When the family denies any manifestations of the child. You cannot be angry, swear, irritated, be delighted with joy, or be offended by your parents. In a word, “you can’t express yourself, you can’t be.” Any manifestation of any emotions by a child comes with a feeling of guilt, and since this is a destructive feeling and it is also not expressed, it is directed towards oneself. In other words, the child punishes himself with illness for his “right to be.” Or mom denies his feelings. The child says that he feels bad, and the mother says: “Why do you feel bad, don’t make it up.” The fourth reason is refusal to fulfill some parental request that MUST be fulfilled, but due to age and inability, the child cannot do this. You still need to grow into a request or demand, so to speak. And you don’t always want to recover quickly, since this requirement still has to be fulfilled. And here resistance comes in... in the form of illness. The fifth reason is balancing the family system. It is known that children are “stabilizers” of the family system, and if it fails, they take on all the fire. Imagine a situation where mom and dad want to get a divorce. No amount of persuading the child to do this will help. And then he gets sick. Seriously, for a long time and for real. And then the idea of ​​divorce will have to be postponed. At least for a while. The sixth reason is the unconscious attitudes of the parents that the child carries into his life. When he hears: “You are so weak, unhealthy, you often get sick, what should we do with you like this?”, these words are assigned to him, which are firmly embedded in his consciousness and cause illness every time. The seventh reason!
