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On March 22, a terrible tragedy occurred in the Crocus City Hall concert hall. The whole country is mourning. Entertainment events are cancelled. Mourning. The sense of security has been shaken, and the level of anxiety has increased. On social networks, people share their emotions. They talk about how they cried, how they couldn’t sleep, how sorry they were for the dead and injured, how scared they were. And this state is being normalized everywhere. And, of course, this is really normal. New terrible information has burst into the human information field. Everyone deals with it differently. Everyone has their own reaction. This can unsettle you. Naturally, it became bad, painful, bitter, I want to freeze... But... I want to “fight for the rights” of not those who are grieving. They already have many “intercessors”. I want to talk about those who remained calm. Maybe even indifferent. And cheerful despite everything. Reading about other people's tears and grief, people who are not grieving can involuntarily think: “Is everything okay with me?” “Am I really such a callous person?” “How can this be? Everyone around is crying, but I’m moving on with my life.” Everything is fine with you too! The reasons for your peace of mind may vary. Negative - you are experiencing your own grief, something difficult is happening in your life, which takes a lot of strength. And you simply no longer have enough resources to actively empathize with someone else’s grief. Positive - you have a stronger and stronger nervous system. Neutral - you are calm about what does not directly concern you personally. And remember! Yes, there are many people who really and sincerely worry. And there are those who write about their grief out of a sense of duty, because this is the custom. There are even those who are hypocrites... From my clients I have heard neat, shy remarks: “It’s like this, but can I talk about my own?” You can! Your problems have not gone away! You still have every right to take care of yourself and make your life better and more comfortable! Especially now. In such turbulent times. When the general emotional background is minor, each person can do what will calm him down. Dear readers! If my thoughts resonate with you, and reading arouses interest, I look forward to your likes and subscriptions. Your activity motivates me to be creative! ♥Mobile/Viber/WhatsApp/Telegram: +79518065809
