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Nowadays everyone is talking about pickup. Step-by-step, verified and experience-tested models and techniques for removal and familiarization. Rules for picking up, seduction techniques. All this is wonderful and the techniques often work and, often, work well... But 2 big “BUTs” arise: What does a person have to do with himself in order to master and get used to these techniques? After all, pickup techniques often give very strict recommendations like: “Do this, this, and this.” Or “adapt to the chosen “victim”.” Or “Do as I do.” This has been verified by experience. Whose experience? Answer – Their (the compilers and authors of the methods) experience. They developed these methods because it is easy and comfortable for them in this image, in this way of acting and thinking. And so, a person of a completely different make-up and character receives magical instructions on how to put on a personality that is completely unusual for him and reshape himself according to the standards of the authors . Gritting his teeth, he climbs into this “wooden” (or even “silk”) oversized suit. Some people give up this business right away. And well done, because I realized that it’s not yours - throw it away and look for yours. Some people puff for a long time and try with all their might. But they don’t succeed (and not because the technicians are not working, but simply the soul, the subconscious mind quietly resists such violence against itself), and they also fall off. Well done too - they gained invaluable experience of how difficult and pointless it is to take a path that is not your own to someone else’s goal. Well, we developed our will a little. Next come those who succeed. A very small percentage of pick-up artists “from God” walk with leaps and bounds (I just wonder where?) along the path of seduction without rules and renting for a night or two. And they’re great – they’re having fun, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. But this, I repeat, is a very small percentage. Much more among the lucky ones - those who simply competently deceived their soul and subconscious, or courageously raped them. It's tough, but that's how it is. Yes, they have learned to pick up and seduce - due to the loss of their individuality, due to merging with someone else's image and subordinating to it. Yes, they get results in the form of attracting partners (sometimes many and different). And now - the second “BUT” Who is attracted to such a “lucky” “pickup artist”? Let’s start with the question: who does he want to find? - A dear, close person both in soul and body. So that the interests are more or less similar, the values ​​and ideals are close, and everything is fine in bed... Well, YOUR MATE, in general. And who is attracted to a person who has got used to someone else's image? Well, that’s right - ANOTHER HALF! Moreover, he himself is not looking for his soul mate, but the half of that hypothetical comrade whose role he has grown into. And they find, of course. They get together, get married (or don’t get married). For a while, their masks play cutely with their partners and with their own owners, and everything seems to be fine. And then... The true essence of a person, crushed by the mask, bucks up and breaks out. And not always polite and correct, And then... Well, you understand. Yes, don’t think that I’m a moralist or a pick-hater. No, if you use pickup consciously, and not as a system, but as a set of tools, it gives very good results. In addition, all of the above applies to many people who have never learned to pickup. It’s just that someone else’s image of themselves and someone else’s image of their soul mate is imposed on them not by the authority of the coach, but by someone else. Parents, friends, fashion, mass media, advertising, literature... It’s a little easier for them - they don’t have to break themselves harshly. But other people’s images, formed over many years, eat into a person much more strongly. So, what to do, and what does a pickup truck have to do with it, and do you personally need it? I don’t know, it’s up to you to decide. But here are a few rules that will help you find not someone else’s, but YOUR soul mate: 1. KNOW exactly what kind of person you need.2. Always be (at least when searching and meeting people) YOURSELF.3. Don't be afraid of failures - your soul mate will not disappoint you. But you don’t need someone else’s.4. If you get together with someone, show SINCERE interest and sympathy. Try to give the person what he wants, but remain yourself.5. Do not be afraid/862/
