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WHAT WILL WE CONSIDE THE TRUTH? Tatyana Chernigovskaya raises the question in today's situation of uncertainty. I asked myself this question 15 years ago, when I started working in the field of eating disorders and at the same time researching it in scientific activities. And I observed how easily the concept of the norm—healthy eating—changed in scientific journals: from “fat is evil, only long carbohydrates” to “eating grains leads to the development of dementia.” When international conferences appeared on the topic of combating obesity, the picture became completely clear . Behind many years of research was the sponsorship of corporations either for the production of grain or for the production of meat, and they twisted the weather vane of healthy eating as it was profitable for them. Pharmaceutical companies lobbied for anything and everything. And then fashion, cosmetology, surgery, coaching with a food concept as the latest developments of all kinds of psychotherapies also received their piece of the financial pie. In essence, they offered fast food consumption, easy solutions where it would be necessary to prepare food from quality ingredients of feelings, self-awareness, and the development of personal independence and maturity, the ability to build social connections. All those skills and abilities that are replaced by food in eating disorders. At the beginning of the pandemic (remember, there was one a month ago?), I was invited to give a short commentary on television about how to cope with stress and minimize the harm from overeating. I spoke about attention to the daily routine, incl. nutrition, social connections, how best to behave in a crisis, and the presenter persistently asked, what should you eat in order not to gain weight? When the program aired, I understood the nature of her persistence. A guest expert from a well-known weight loss clinic spent the entire program talking about how to chew carrots when stressed and what diets are suitable for losing weight. As a professional, I recognized the sources of research on which he relied. Then two truths met, two menus for the psyche - fast food and homemade food. And this is normal in a complex world. It’s bad when fast food is passed off as a nutritious lunch. And now, when we are again in a situation of uncertainty and want ready-made solutions, expert opinions and advice, refrain from grabbing them. Find those who will help “cook” your personal guidelines and pillars by investing in your experience. From step to step. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xdaIKHEIsU Sign up for a consultation or interview with a group to work with eating disorders. Details on the website.
