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We miss so many opportunities in life, but we receive them generously every day. But it’s as if an inner voice convinces - “This is not for you,” “Not now,” “Maybe a little later.” Why is this happening? How to take power into your own hands? Where does this inner voice come from? Probably each of us heard in childhood - “If you start a business, bring it to the end,” “If you have acquired knowledge, you need to apply it,” “You should do one thing and not spread yourself thin.” Sounds familiar, doesn't it? How often do all these attitudes make us afraid of doing something new, how often does this slow us down? We can search for answers for a long time, but it is better to realize, accept and uncreate these attitudes. So that they do not poison our lives🙌. Of course, you can live one year of your life without changes, or you can put in a little effort and discover something new. And so, an effective method that can be applied in this situation. There are only three points that can remove restrictions.☑️ Only I can determine for myself when I have enough. For example, you started reading a book and got stuck, doesn’t go further and that’s it. There is nothing terrible in this, perhaps this will be quite enough for you. Even sometimes 10 pages out of 100 can give more than by reading through force you will not learn anything.☑️ If I choose an activity for myself, I myself determine where the ending will be. For example, you became interested in creating photographs, but at a certain moment you realized that you had burned out. A voice in my head dictates: “I wasted time, resources, money! You can’t quit!” Discard this attitude, only you decide where the end of this story is, do not be afraid of condemnation. Where there is no spark, the flame cannot be ignited.☑️ Only I decide what is valuable to me and in what form. For example, you took a targetologist course, only you determine what this course will give, whether it will generate income or not. What will he give you? The value is determined by you personally. You are an individual and you feel a resource and your self. Separate yourself from public opinion and feel your individual value🙌. Make decisions based on your feelings, not your environment, and you will be very happy. All the best🌞
