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At first, everything was imported from China, then the product line began to be replenished in the grocery store and in some other stores, people realized, they had a demand, that all of us were delayed due to some factors, certain economic and political events, the so-called " Deterrent factor,” which influenced the masses of people, the psychology of people. With the help of this delaying factor, what they dreamed of came to people. For people it was like a dream, like an idea, like a utopian goal, to which people strived only to fulfill their dreams, looking at foreign, Western films, where everything was... There was nothing of this in the Soviet Union, and all this overnight poured onto the shelves of our Soviet stores. I remember the time when I flew to Moscow and one of the first branches of McDonald's was opened. There was an incredible line for fast food. But it was something exotic, the dream of many, many hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens came true. Why am I saying this? The fact is that at that time a psychology had already formed, according to which people began to buy everything in a row. People started buying everything. But, “Desire to buy” and “Opportunity to purchase” this or that product, this or that service did not correspond. There was dissonance, a separation between “I want” and “I can”. And accordingly, these same scissors between “I want” and “I can” led sooner or later to loans, especially since the situation was favorable for this. This has become so firmly entrenched that it is so strong and difficult; if we compare it by analogy, we can give the following example: when a dog is kept on a leash and not fed, it doesn’t feed for a day, it still endures. The two don’t feed her, she’s already starting to get a little angry. They don’t feed for 3-5 days, of course she is already ferocious, she is ready to eat strange slops that look like food, and on the 5th day, if we give this slop to the dog as an experiment, she will eat it, and oddly enough, she will like it. Well, if any animal is fed, that is, today we have a sausage, tomorrow we have something else in a bowl with sauce, then the dog simply gets used to such conditions. She will begin to refuse such nutrition, such a diet, she will begin to be selective about what is offered, in this case, to the offered food that is given to her. So this is what I would like to say here, and why did I actually give this example? We all lived in a deficit, in a hungry deficit - this feeling of hunger was associated both with food and directly with goods. I'm not talking about services. The need for certain services emerged much later. What is needed first? Let's remember Maslow's Pyramid. If anyone doesn’t remember or doesn’t know, I’ll tell you. Literally a little: If you have paper, pencil or pen nearby. Let's draw a pyramid - a triangle. And divide this triangle into 5 parts. The lowest part - let's say 1/5 of the triangle - these are basic needs, these are instincts: this is the food instinct, the feeling of hunger, the feeling of fullness - the pleasure of nutrition, of the food received, of sex.. (to be continued!) I wish you everything Hello, follow my news and various useful notes on my website http://doctoraksaev.com. If you have not yet received my book “Deadly STOP STRESS Techniques” as a gift, you can do so on my website by filling out the special form on the right . PS “ALL THE MOST VALUABLE IS WITHIN US”!! © Sincerely, Timofey Aksaev
