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From the author: The article was first published here (read about the beginning of “shopping” here and here) “Dresses” of the fifth department: transforming human consciousness (teaching, educating, consulting) Especially for sociable, open, friendly mothers Dresses from the fifth department have been selected. Pay attention to this collection, if you enthusiastically absorb interesting information and happily share it, you can easily find a common language with any hooligan and mischief maker on the playground. In this department you will see a bewitching “dress” teacher, an exquisite “teacher”, a universal “consultant”, a charming “educator”. Those who have always managed to find the right words to support another person in trouble, encourage, inspire self confidence. Dress up in these spectacular outfits and you will be guaranteed admiring glances from friends and acquaintances. They will look up to you and shower you with compliments. “Dresses” of the sixth department: create, invent, create something new If you want to emphasize your individuality, find something non-trivial, buy not just a dress, but a unique work of art, then you have come to the right place. Dresses from this department will look great on you if brilliant ideas are constantly born in your head, you love to create and invent, and come up with new options for solving various problems. Here are collected dresses for the most sophisticated ladies who want to feel like a queen. The most striking examples of this collection of “dresses” are: the always current “fashion designer”, the innovative “designer”, the free “poet”, the solemn “playwright”. You will not go wrong with your choice by visiting this department if your soul longs for creative fulfillment, if you fall asleep from routine work, or get tired of performing a series of simple, same-type actions. And, on the contrary, you can go without sleep for days on end while you are in the flow of implementing a new idea, in the hands of inspiration. “Dresses” of the seventh department: organizing people, leading These dresses are for you if you get an unrealistic thrill when, thanks to your efforts, tens, hundreds and even thousands of people begin to perform certain actions, moving as if to the beat of music. When, thanks to you, radically opposite natures can effectively coexist with each other. You should look into this department if you have always been the “life of the party”, if fulfilling only one role is not enough for you, if it is natural for you to have a situation where everything revolves around you. You will undoubtedly be interested in “dresses” from this department. Just take a look at some of them: the charming “teacher-organizer”, the brilliant “manager”, the exclusive “director”, the graceful “festival organizer”. So, if you want to make a splash with just your appearance, to draw a storm of applause from crowds of fans, then hurry to department number 7. (you can find out about the dresses of the last two “departments” here)
