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From the author: One advertising company asked me to characterize color and its influence on the human psyche. This is what came out of it. No one is surprised by the fact that colors can influence our mood, worldview, and even a person’s character. Science has proven the dependence of the choice of color on the state of mind. Light and color have a strong influence on the formation of the psychophysiological status of the human body. This effect is primarily mediated by the activity of the higher nervous system, its sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. There is a close relationship between color perception and parts of the brain that transmit a signal to the body that encourages activation of the nervous system, action, or inhibition, relaxation, or inaction. For example, exposure to red color can lead to a whole chain of reactions in the body: pupil dilation, increased heart rate, increased blood flow to the brain and muscles, increased breathing, increased glucose concentration. Therefore, do not underestimate the influence of color on a person. Color can stimulate certain reactions, which in turn can influence decision making. Let's consider the influence of each color on the human psyche separately. Red and scarlet color. Rich shades of red or scarlet colors allow you to feel a surge of energy and vivacity. This is the color of making decisions that encourage action, making the right choice, a sober, conscious look at the situation, the color of high blood pressure, physical education and military affairs. Male color. However, excessive consumption of red can lead to the opposite reaction: irritation, aggression and negative perception of information and, as a result, exhaustion of the body. The color red goes well with verbs of motivating action or with a call for maximum concentration. For example: Win! Press the button! Do it! Run! Attention! Dangerous! Carefully! Read here, etc. The most productive perception of red is the morning and first half of the day, when you need to cheer up, fill with determination and ambition. Orange color. Orange color is a mixture of red and yellow, where red still does not lose its activity, but is no longer so aggressive. This is the color of career growth, business activity, positivity and optimism. Orange color stimulates brain function, concentration of influence, increased willpower, increased creativity. This is the color of successful negotiations, productive dialogue, and helps your interlocutor to like you. In the human body, the endocrine, respiratory and digestive systems experience the positive effects of orange. Color affects the functioning of all hormones. In bioenergy, orange is the “basic instinct” to which a person moves after the “self-preservation” of red. Orange color is ideal for energizing meditation, a positive attitude for the day, active work and motivation. And also good as a background color. It goes well with affirmations aimed at improving the psycho-emotional background, stimulating positive changes. Androgynous color. I love every moment in life. I notice happiness and love everywhere. I enjoy myself and communicating with the world! Yellow color. Yellow color is rightfully called an intellectual color. The color of brain, intelligence, wisdom, maturity, energy, self-sufficiency, fertility and wealth. Has a positive effect on memory, creativity and mental activity. Yellow is the richest color in terms of the variety of associations associated with it, depending on its shade. The color yellow is often associated with sun and gold, sand and morning. The shade of yellow honey has a completely different emotional connotation. The honey shade is associated with autumn, rust, and the maturity of age. It is necessary to take into account that yellow (lemon) color has a more favorable effect on people with a leading left hand: it is a right-hemisphere color aimed at activatingbrain activity, stimulation of creativity and development of talents. Its effect on the skeletal system of the body has been noticed, according to the principle: sun - vitamin D - strengthening of joints. Yellow is a morning color, the color of awakening can be used as a call to time parameters. It's time! The time has come! The moment of action has come! Have time! It is recommended to avoid yellow color in children, it is too mature and dominates them, causing anxiety and insomnia. Almost never used as an independent color, yellow blooms in combination with other colors. Green color. Green color is a preserving color, a background color. The color of harmony and tranquility, result and accumulation, tranquility and meditation. The color of preserving existing achievements, praise and approval. The influence of green color on a person allows you to get rid of bad thoughts and negative emotions. And this already improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. After all, it is a bad mood and nerves that contribute to the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases. Warm shades of green help relieve anxiety and fears, doubts and uncertainty about the future. Evening, feminine, altruistic color! It is good to use the color green as a result of a completed stage, for example in affirmations - praise. I achieved success, I'm great! I am the most charming and attractive! However, the abundance of green and its shades can lead to the opposite result and cause loss of strength, melancholy and “green melancholy.” Blue ColorThe effect of blue color depends on its hue and saturation. In general, blue color calms, balances, controls, and helps to cope with your emotions. Conservative color. Has a positive effect on high blood pressure, hyperactivity, irritability. Responsible for mental activity, intelligence and logic. Saturated blue is calm, peaceful and serene. Dark blue is considered a more anxious and depressive color. It may cause anxiety. However, the excessive psychological influence of color can distort the real idea and immerse a person in a world of illusions. This is why deep dark colors are often used in hypnology. It can be either background or part of other colors. Ideal combination with yellow and orange colors. The lightest shade of blue - blue color calms, puts you in a trance, ideal for meditation, like turquoise. Blue color is well perceived in affirmative, persuasive, inspiring phrases. You are calm! Your consciousness is clear and pure! Purple color. Purple color does not exist in nature, rather it is a combination of two colors opposing each other: red and blue. This explains its mystery, magic and connection with the cosmos. Purple can evoke very strong emotions. There are almost no people indifferent to this color, but it evokes polar feelings: either love or hatred, or rather, irritation. This color allows you to drive away any fears and cope with melancholy. Purple is the color of the chosen ones. Regardless of whether you like this color or not, this color suppresses appetite, reduces the ability to think rationally, but develops intuition, awakens the desire for spiritual growth, which is why it is recommended for those who are interested in meditation. Ideal as a background color to create interest and attract attention. I am part of the cosmos! I feed on cosmic energy! Every day I eat less! Black color. The most controversial and at the same time neutral color. He absorbs, but also gives. This is mourning and celebration. Often the color black becomes a symptom of depression, melancholy, depression, and uncertainty. But at the same time, it allows us to relax and gives us a positive attitude. Black color influences a person, changes him, launches him into the unknown. It has a cumulative therapeutic effect and can be recommended as a general tonic for people with poor health. This is the color of protest, action in spite of anything. The purpose of black is a challenge. It is not recommended to use black as a background color. I throw?
