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Do you know what most psychologists are doing now? Psychologists teach their clients to notice and live their lives. They teach people to feel. Feeling yourself and your body, discovering and naming your emotions helps slow down the eternal race for results and learn to be with yourself. With your feelings here and now. Feelings are different: some roll in with such force that the lump in your throat is about to turn into a stranglehold, other feelings are barely noticeable, barely perceptible, but also very important and worthy of attention. Some of us once upon a time decided to turn off our feelings so that life would be easier, so that no one could be hurt. It's hard without feelings. Although, not like that. Feelings still remain with us, we just stop showing them. Therefore, it is difficult with unexpressed feelings. After all, without feelings nothing is felt at all. And the light in the eyes fades, and there is little pleasure, life comes down to a set of automatic actions and reactions. Groundhog Day is coming, in which you constantly want to sleep treacherously. It happens that this insensitive life exhausts people with its insipidity, and then some decide to go to a psychologist. The desire to learn to feel and feel again awakens. We find the strength to take risks again, to open up to this world and people. Clients in therapy are cautious, look around, but little by little they crawl out of their heated, safe and so familiar cold corner. Other people are helped to cope with life by addictions: love addiction, bottle addiction, workaholic addiction, or just think of it yourself. And we know where everything comes from. From childhood, when no one taught anyone to feel, observe, explore. When they didn’t ask: what do you want? What do you think? What do you feel?; When your emotions could not be tolerated, but were directed into action or physical punishment; When the child’s inner world was not taken seriously; When no one strengthened self-esteem. It's good that things can be different in the therapeutic space. Not like in childhood. The attentive and careful presence of the therapist helps the client not to rush - to give himself time to notice feelings, give his experiences form and taste them. And at the same time, the taste of life. I invite you to consultations!
