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The word "avatar" was originally borrowed from Sanskrit, the oldest literary Indian language. Literally it can be translated as reincarnation, the phenomenon, the incarnation of God in earthly creatures. In our time, the term “avatar” has become synonymous with a certain pseudonym, although not literal, but purely symbolic. For example, an “avatar” is an image that is posted on social networks, on forums opposite one’s online name for the purpose of anonymity. But since the image is symbolic, it means it carries some kind of symbol, meaning for the one who is hiding behind it. Anonymity and “avatar” “give freedom for the manifestation of the unconscious, hidden desires, needs, and self-expression of a person, who in real life most likely forbids this to manifest itself. Therefore, the “avatar” acts as a kind of channel through which he can defuse emotions and show his true essence without prohibitions. It may well turn out that in real life this will be a completely different person. Accordingly, all manifestations of a person behind the mask of an “avatar” can be called his Shadow, repressed, split-off parts of his “I”. Erotic “avatars” can speak of a person’s suppressed sexuality, needs attract attention. Behind the impersonal “avatars” there may be an introverted person who is afraid to show his feelings in life, who does not fully accept himself, who is distrustful, who wants to remain in the shadows. “Avatars” in the anime style can speak of a person’s inner infantilism, desire disarm the interlocutor, get more words of support, pity, sympathy, love from him. "Avatars" with animals most likely indicate that a person wants to demonstrate some qualities of his character that this animal has. "Avatars" are social roles (mother of many children, artist, boss) can tell us about the social orientation of the individual, about the need to be realized in this role or about identification with this role, accepting it for oneself. Frightening “avatars” can talk about the need to protect oneself, about pent-up aggression, anxiety .The network name also carries a certain semantic load, as do the topics raised on the forum, the nature of the relationship between forum participants. Perhaps a person also seeks to compensate for the deficiencies of his personality with an “avatar”. For example, if he lacks confidence, he may hide behind the image of a strong and successful hero of a movie or a formidable animal. The chosen image and the conversation on its behalf force the person to identify with it and behave in the same way. For example, if your avatar is a cute, fluffy kitten, it cannot communicate rudely and answer everyone in a boorish manner. In this image, he will certainly live up to his cuteness. Based on these reflections, I came to the conclusion that the “avatar” and the anonymity associated with it perform important psychological functions: 1. emotional response; 2. manifestations and awareness of one’s shadow sides and needs; 3. compensation and development of qualities necessary for an individual. At the same time, behind the “avatar” I can imagine someone with whom I would like to communicate, whom I am missing at the moment or someone who evokes not entirely pleasant emotions and transfer my projection to him , give free rein to fantasy, flirt, get angry. If we turn to the meaning of “avatar” from Sanskrit, then we can interpret it as an image into which a person would like to be reincarnated, or maybe outlive it in himself. The main thing is not to split, but to try to integrate these shadow aspects with your real personality to achieve a holistic identity.
