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From the author: People are afraid to turn to a psychologist for fear of subsequent addiction. Real work with a psychologist at the beginning implies a kind of symbiosis, but gradually, as you gain strength and confidence, it will definitely go away. This process is very individual. When clients leave for their lives... Once again I wondered why I am in this profession. Yesterday and today I receive recognition online, in personal correspondence and from clients, confirmation that my personal experience, professional style, and level of empathy are found in the work of a child and family psychologist. You understand, nothing accidental. At my own request, I became a nanny for my own sister from the age of 4, and later, to my cousin and sister, from the age of 7. I was apparently praised and felt needed. Everything follows the laws of the genre. At school, I was the main specialist in adapting newcomers to the class. Very successfully, I note: among C grade students, the increase in academic performance is “4” and “5”!!! The most important thing was the incident. I was about 12 years old. At a bus stop one day there was a group of students from a special school for children with special needs. This school was not far from my home, and my parents often said that if I was a bad student, I would study there. It was very scary!!! So, separately from the whole group stood a boy in a government checkered coat, a hat with earflaps on one side, his glasses were held together in the temples with blue tape, the back of his boot was torn, and he was not accepted into the group... Watching from the side , I felt the deep sadness and pain of this child. It shocked me. In the evening, I told my mother about what I had observed, about my experiences and the decision I had made: “When I grow up, I earn a lot of money, I’ll take them all, change them, not everyone there is morons.” It was this word honor that was applicable in those years when your otherness was discovered by someone. I understood then that if you take care of them correctly, then everything will be different. I know this even now, in order to ensure adequate development, it is necessary to take into account the child’s characteristics and provide the most necessary for the development of their potential!!! Adults also need to get permission and lift their inhibitions; they, too, were once children... whose needs were not noticed, ignored, or, even worse, prohibited. Did I feel superior? Yes! Some might think so, but this is not superiority! I felt “POWER,” the strength that I could handle it! And I got it for it!!! Depreciation! So through pain I learned balance! It didn’t take me long to realize that people, having adapted, would grow up and leave))), without saying thank you. I still do this, now I work with adults, their children... and I let go, with a slight sadness from the end of the journey together, and I no longer expect thanks. Some leave right away, they need something else, training, so that only I can work with their child, but not them, and that’s their right. But how much joy, without triumph and delight, I get when I let go, because I did something in which I feel my purpose, where they no longer need me... Revealing the other, giving strength - and he will definitely cope!!!! My adult clients, parents, and this is dedicated to you today too! Thank you!
