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The crisis situation in society has sharply increased the number of people in need of qualified psychological help. For a psychologist who has just graduated from an educational institution or has little practical experience, working with psychological trauma causes the greatest fear. One of the problematic issues when working with psychological trauma is the lack of psychodiagnostic material. It is also worth noting that currently there are many classifications of psychological trauma . But, according to V.N. Myasishchev, the main type of psychological trauma that exists in most people is trauma resulting from a violation of child-parent relationships, which negatively affects the ways of reacting at the present moment of life, thus exacerbating current stressful situations and disrupting the individual’s relationship with his own body image, image future, close and distant surroundings. In order to study the cause-and-effect relationships of childhood psychotraumas with stressful events of the present time, we developed the author’s diagnostic method “Psychotrauma Code”. We identified 7 scales that characterize important human relationships: relationships with mother, relationships with father, relationships with family, relationships with body image, relationships with society, relationships in the sexual sphere, relationships with the image of the future. A series of questions were developed for each scale, based on the results of which a drawing of the Psychotrauma Code is created. After this, the drawing is proposed to be colored according to the traffic light principle, where traumatic events that had a slight impact are colored green, of medium intensity - yellow, and if the situation is assessed as significantly traumatic - red. Next, the client is asked to write an emotional story according to the proposed scheme and the information received is analyzed. The diagnostic algorithm involves interaction between the psychologist and the client and is quite informative. The psychotrauma code allows you to clarify the client’s problem field and identify the most sensitive pain points in the relationship that affected the client in the area of ​​relationship psychotrauma. The sharp corners of the diagnostic drawing clearly demonstrate to the client the real problem areas that affect his current situation and manifest themselves symptomatically. As a result, the “Code of Psychotrauma” forms a holistic vision of the cause-and-effect relationships of the characteristics of the client’s relationships, which makes it possible to determine the targets of psychological correction and build a model of therapeutic influence. AN EXAMPLE of the practice “Code of Psychotrauma” by a participant in the course “DNA Psychotrauma”: WRITE YOUR EMOTIONAL STORY HERE What is important to you observed in the area of ​​relationships while performing the “Psychotrauma Code” test? Describe in detail how, in your opinion, problematic aspects of relationships in the past influenced/affect today’s life situation? DMITRY’S EMOTIONAL STORY: Once upon a time there lived an adult boy, Dima, he completed the “Psychotrauma Code” practice and saw that the most tense areas were relationships with his father , family scenarios and the body. This puzzled him, his father was very little present in his life, and he wanted more attention, love, care and support from him, but he often received a cold attitude, offers to drink and periodic threats when his father was drunk. Dima came to his father to ask he has money, but he rarely gave it to him. And Dima also sometimes developed a tendency to abuse alcohol. Over time, Dima began to realize more anger, resentment and disgust towards his father. He does not want to be like his father, but at the same time he behaves similarly in life situations. Over time, Dima began to feel his body even better, there was more tension and heaviness in it, which led Dima to confusion and a desire to get rid of heaviness and tension. Despite the fact that Dima has a clear image of the future, he sometimes seems to deliberately sabotage the movement towards to your goals. And some moments are blurred in the mind. Dima’s conclusions: we need to work through the trauma associated with our father,
