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From the author: Back pain is just a symptom and can be caused by many different things. Two people can feel the same type of back pain for two completely different reasons. The same treatment can help one person and harm another. Pain is Only a Symptom Most people believe that back pain is caused by some isolated events. Strained my back, etc. Since pain comes suddenly, people think that getting rid of pain means getting rid of problems. But, like many things in life, in reality everything is more complicated. Back pain is just a symptom and can be caused by many different things. Two people can feel the same type of back pain for two completely different reasons. The same treatment can help one and harm another. If your goal is to get rid of pain, it is better not to self-medicate, but to turn to medical specialists. What we have here:Medical professionals can be divided into categories.1. Surgeons and traumatologists (without them it is impossible in case of injury, ligament damage, irreversible destruction or deformation of the skeleton and some other exceptional cases).2. Chiropractors, orthopedists, vertebrologists (a good alternative to surgery in other cases, such as pinched nerves, etc.)3. Physiotherapists – work with muscle pain of various etiologies. ALWAYS REMEMBER!!! Many traditional medical approaches focus primarily on getting you out of pain in the first place. Medicine does not address the root cause of pain, and therefore most of its effects are short-lived. The reason continues to put pressure on the body and the pain resumes. Pain is a Message... So Listen! Usually the body actively communicates with us: “Touch me!”, “Stretch me!”, “Squeeze me!”, “Understand me! “,” “Listen to me!”, “Calm me!” We often do not hear these calls and therefore do not respond to them. When the message stopped and you ignored it, the communication failed. Consequently, your body begins to “scream” louder, “Heal me!”, providing more and more pain. Through pain, your body is trying to send a message that something has happened and it needs help. Your body is trying to tell you something, but you are not listening to it! And this is a big PROBLEM. The solution to this problem lies beyond medical support, and consists of two parts: 1. Understanding the root cause. And knowledge of the psychosomatic causes of diseases or relevant specialists in this field will help you with this. Your first step is to correct your behavior and attitude towards life.2. Bodily practices to restore your health in the back and spine. I will tell you about one of them right now. It's called Deep Touch. This unique technology has a special section dedicated to working with the back and spine. The fact is that the so-called vital, or internal, energy circulates in the human body. It moves through special energy channels connected to all tissues and organs. The Chinese call this energy “qi”, and the Indians call it “pra-noy”. A person is healthy only when this energy flows unhindered, harmoniously distributed throughout the body. Normal physical condition causes a feeling of vivacity, self-confidence, and an optimistic attitude. Any obstacle to the flow of energy leads to illness. Deep Touch is a specialized set of techniques that removes obstacles to the flow of vital energy, both in the back and in the body as a whole, and prevents its stagnation. By pressing on certain muscles and stretching them, the disturbed flow is restored. Muscle elasticity is restored, which helps heal pinched nerve endings and delay the processes of muscle rigidity and aging for a significant period. The spine itself is stretched and compression of the spinal discs is reduced. Also, Deep Touch is a special complex
