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We can hatch plans for years without being able to implement them. Why this happens and how essential oils can help here - in the book of Natalia Gennadievna Serebryakova. Any action we perform can be psychologically divided into stages: - goal setting, “shooting an arrow into space”; - opening of space: a new business begins - with joy, or with internal resistance; - structuring the space for a new beginning; - filling this space with your own properties; - point (the ability to complete the work started correctly and on time); - awareness and analysis of what has been done. If any of these stages is our weak link - we feel difficulties in the creative, personal or even professional sphere. Based on the result of the influence of essential oils on a person, you can create an individual essential composition that will add the missing information to the subtle bodies to maintain or correct a particular stage of activity. For example: - Oil of goal setting. If we are dominated by doubts, fears, dominated by other people’s opinions, etc., the arrow of desire remains unreleased. And holding it for a long time additionally exhausts and takes away strength, making further launch difficult. Thyme will help you overcome uncertainty, gather yourself, and concentrate. - Oil of opening space. When your activities bring you pleasure and there is no internal resistance, your inner space opens up to a new beginning. Then the target's arrow falls on fertile soil and sprouts. If there is internal resistance, or we cannot allocate internal resources at all, it is difficult for the target’s arrow to grow, or there is simply nowhere. Oils that help open space - sage, lavender, fennel. - Structuring oil. To perform any action (or, moreover, a sequence of actions leading to a goal), you need equal structuring of your workspace and time. It is necessary to have all the necessary resources and tools - both material and, most importantly, internal, spiritual. If there is no structure inside, our days pass in mediocre vanity. By evening, only a small fraction of the plans are fulfilled, or none of the plans are fulfilled at all. Basil essential oil has the most powerful function of structuring space and time. - Filling oil. Essential oils of orange, ylang-ylang, patchouli will soften the rigidity of the structured space, balancing, harmonizing the action and allowing you to move to a new stage. - “Point” oil. In any task, you need to be able to stop in time, finish what you started, and give yourself the opportunity to look at the result from the outside. Eucalyptus essential oil for men will help define boundaries, divide spheres of influence, and complete a task once started, if it is difficult to do on your own. - Oil of awareness. After the end of the action, the last stage must pass - the stage of awareness. In this case, all activity is directed inward. And if there is difficulty at this stage, jasmine essential oil will help perfectly. From the book “The Unexplored Country of Fragrances” by N.G. Serebryakova.
