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A traveler walked through the desert for many days and one day saw a huge spreading tree. Having reached it, he sat down to rest in the shade. “I’m completely exhausted, and I’m so thirsty,” he thought. Suddenly a jug of cold water appeared nearby. The traveler was frightened, but nevertheless carefully took a few sips. “I wish I could eat some more,” he daydreamed. And then a table with food appeared. Having eaten his fill, the man wanted to rest - and discovered a soft feather bed. Then a thought flashed through his head: who is doing all this - what if there are terrible monsters? Terrible monsters immediately grew next to him. “But they can kill me! - the traveler was horrified. And the monsters killed him... It happens that one teenager is kicked out of an elite class for bad grades and “doesn’t care” about what happened, while the second gets a bad grade for his homework and seriously thinks about suicide. Women come to consultations with sadness as old as the world - their husband has another one. How to live further? At the same time, we all know cases when the husband always has “another”, and the wife is not particularly worried: “This one will end, the second will appear, the third... They are all temporary, but I am permanent!” What do stories like this teach us? Only one - what we call “stress” is a product of our consciousness. For me it’s stressful - my daughter is offended and doesn’t talk, and for my neighbor the constant war with her son is something ordinary. A colleague is indignant: “They ran into us!” How could they!”, can’t calm down for a long time. Others who were present shrug their shoulders in bewilderment - they didn’t even notice anything. There are no stresses or problems in the world (except, perhaps, natural disasters). All stress and problems are in our minds. This is how we see and feel them - as problems. Hence the conclusion: if I created stress myself, then I can either prevent it or cope with it. We have already written in our column that nature has given us protection from short-term stress. Therefore, they are not scary for the body. The main thing is to control yourself so as not to create other problems. Long-term stress is another matter. Here other processes are already involved: at the beginning there is anxiety, then tense resistance, and, if the situation is not resolved, exhaustion from prolonged tension in the body. This exhaustion is already dangerous for our health. Based on the way they respond to stress, people can be divided into three categories - conditionally “rabbit stress”, “lion stress” and “ox stress”. The first group includes those who react passively to stress. In this case, a person is only able to activate his few forces for a short time and exhaustion quickly sets in. Such people often turn pale in difficult situations. Another option is when a person reacts to stress violently and energetically, like a lion. Such people quickly turn red - this additional energy in the form of blood is supplied by the body to combat difficulties. If the situation is not overcome immediately, a post-stress state can set in just as quickly. Finally, the third type of people can work for a long time at the limit of their capabilities, like an ox capable of working with a heavy load for a long time. But these possibilities are not unlimited. For those who feel strong stress, cannot find a way out of protracted problems, understand that reacting in stressful situations does not suit them, of course, special work will help most effectively: consultations, trainings, independent study of ways to self-regulate their condition. Nevertheless, we would venture to offer you some recommendations for managing your condition during stress.1. Talk to a loved one or someone you trust. Stress is an image that the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creating; when we talk about what worries us, we load the left hemisphere, which is responsible for speech. The right hemisphere is resting. This relieves tension and, in addition, speaking out helps the narrator better understand the situation.2..
