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“Difficult times produce strong people. Strong people create good times. Good times create weak people. Weak people create difficult times." Plato. Personal resources. A multi-level system of complex mechanisms, states and personality traits that performs a regulatory function and ensures the most effective interaction of a person with the world. A wide range of psychological phenomena, including an existential basis, a value-semantic sphere, personal properties, mechanisms and processes through which a person solves various problems and builds his life. Personal resources play a barrier (buffer) role in relation to vulnerability to negative psychological consequences and help find positive solutions to problems. A modern person needs resources that help find a balance between the inner and outer world, overcome the problem of “partiality”, maintain authenticity and realize one’s capabilities. Basic resources for a modern person: 1) Resilience (S. Maddi) • An integrative personal characteristic that contributes effective and successful overcoming of life's difficulties• The ability of an individual to maintain internal balance in a difficult situation without reducing the effectiveness of activities• A system of attitudes and beliefs of the individual's influence on himself (his own consciousness and behavior), taking into account favorable and unfavorable environmental factors• The ability of the subject to withstand the difficulties of life, to transform unfavorable factors in the mechanisms of its development• The somatic state, social connections and spiritual world of a person depend on resilience. Mechanisms of resilience:• Assessing life changes as less stressful• Creating motivation for transformational coping• Strengthening the immune response• Strengthening responsibility towards health practices (healthy lifestyle )• Search for active social support that promotes transformational coping2) Readiness for change• Refers to the motivation of the individual and characterizes the attitude towards solving non-standard problems, attitude towards new things, especially in stressful situations• Psychological state that mobilizes personal resources• A necessary condition for successful strategic planning, in including one’s own life• The ability to establish a semantic connection between two successive moments in time, which can differ significantly when changes occur, when something old changes and becomes different• Expresses the potential for self-change of the individual, its ability to self-reconstruction and self-organization; external and internal changes are always interconnected - readiness for external changes presupposes readiness to change oneself, restructuring one's inner world. Components of readiness for change Passion - Energy, tirelessness, increased vitality. Resourcefulness - Ability to find ways out of difficult situations, handle to new sources for solving new problems. Optimism (optimism) - High hopes, faith in success, reluctance to focus on the worst development of events, the desire to focus not on problems, but on the possibilities of solving them. Courage, enterprise (adventurousness) - Craving for new things, to the unknown, rejection of the tried and true. 3) Resilience. “Resilience” from lat. resilire - “jump back” The process of successful adaptation to adverse conditions, or the ability to quickly recover from injury, a tragic situation, negative influences or threat” (Werner, Smith, 1982, p. 24). 4) Hope.• A resource that ensures preparedness to face difficult life situations, a vision of future prospects (E. Fromm)• This is not passive expectation and does not force events that cannot happen in reality• Internal readiness for intense, unspent activity• Mental condition accompanying life and development• Positive
