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Today, the degree of emotional intensity in the modern woman has increased significantly. A woman has taken an active position in society in all directions: she tries to occupy key positions at work on an equal basis with a man, or even more, to strive to make a career in business and politics. A motivational line is being built for a high, personal, social status in society. This motivational line of social career and material growth requires powerful emotional-imaginative forces for the materialization of set goals. The natural gift of materializing desired events is developed in women for the evolutionary creative process of the vitality of the human race. This gift gives a woman the opportunity, using the emotional-figurative energy process, to get ahead of a man in achieving career and material growth. Nature has given a woman the right to materialize mature, viable ideas that stimulate the creative process, but if a woman turns on the mechanism of materializing events without taking into account viability, only for her own improvement material status, it introduces a large emotional-figurative energy dissonance into its own body. This further leads to the formation of emotional-figurative and psychosomatic blocks in the body. You can say this: “these are projects born of it that are not viable.” If we compare it with the mechanism of childbirth, this is the materialization of informational genetic potential and a living substance that connects with the information channel of the UNIVERSE. Let's compare the responsibility of giving birth to a new person and a business project that a woman goes through the Quality Control Department to make a decision on materialization based on the degree of viability. During childbirth, there is always the male half, which is responsible for the quality of the information material (idea) and how to allow this “idea” to be implemented; the woman conducts the analysis given to her by nature and makes a decision; if the decision made is optimal, the woman receives a powerful emotional response. figurative energy of the WORLD CREATION. In the case of a business project that a woman created herself and chose herself, the degree of non-viability is very high and in this case there is a loss of her own female emotional and figurative energy to maintain life in a weak project. In this case, there may not be enough emotional and figurative energy for the birth of a child. After all, this energy is needed, as during conception, to search and determine what is “worthy” with the corresponding information potential, for gestation and, of course, for childbirth. Nature does not give a woman the opportunity to become pregnant if there is no complete confidence in the full cycle of creating a healthy, viable PERSON. Of course, today, with the help of the achievements of modern medicine, we have learned to bypass the legal requirements of nature, there is a mechanism for artificial insemination, incomplete gestation and surgical removal of the child from the mother’s womb. This mechanism cannot be called a real childbirth, therefore it should be used in rare cases when other methods of childbirth are IMPOSSIBLE due to the physical state of the woman’s health. But when healthy women who have problems with an emotional-figurative negative background do not try to restore their emotional-figurative energy potential in a natural way, this unnatural action does not give vitality and longevity in a natural way, but will only rely on the omnipotence of modern medicine. MYROTOK program allows you to select an individual program for each woman to return the natural process of conception and childbirth.
